The Theme Toggler

1 min read May 18, 2020

The Theme Toggler

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So, I am trying to add in a very simple method of switching between 2 stylesheets/themes.

Switch Theme by Changing Classes

Say we have this:

<body class="dark">
  <button id="theme-toggle" title="I'm a tooltip!">Switch</button>
  <div class="sq">Foo</div>

and this:

body {
  background-color: #F7F7F7;

body.dark .sq {
  border: 1px solid #000;
  background: #ffd43b;

body.light .sq {
  background-color: #fff;
  border: 2px dotted #000;

.sq {
  margin: 10px 0 0;
  height: 200px;

Save Status

now add JQuery:

<script src=""></script>

toggle and save:

function toggleTheme() {
  if($('body').hasClass('dark')) {
  } else {

$('#theme-toggle').click(function() {

Load Status

function loadTheme() {
  var themeSet = localStorage.getItem('theme');
  if (themeSet == 'dark') {
  } else {
<body class="dark">
  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->

localStorage Between Pages from Different Sites

But, do note that the localStorage isn’t per page, it’s by domain. That means and aren’t considered as the same domain.

Best trick I know is to use iframes and postMessage API do get access to localStorage from external domain.

This technique is quite simple:

  • on you page you must create iframe to a domain from which you want to get data
  • your data domain need listen to message event: document.addEventListener ("message", handler, useCapture);
  • handler will be responsible for accessing localStorage and posting its content to source domain
  • your source domain may call handler function on data domain with postMessage API

For security of your data you can use HTTP header X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM uri

Switch Different Stylesheets

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8888/demo/assets/themes/css/style1.css" type="text/css" media="all">

<button id="theme-toggle" title="I'm a tooltip!">Switch</button>
var defaultSS = '/assets/themes/css/style1.css',
    altSS = '/assets/themes/css/style2.css',

$('#theme-toggle').click(function () {

    hrefAttr = $(this).attr('href');
    if (hrefAttr.indexOf(defaultSS) >= 0) {
      $(this).attr('href', altSS);


    } else if (hrefAttr.indexOf(altSS) >= 0) {
      $(this).attr('href', defaultSS);


Señorita | Chiu